Half Dozen Roses


This arrangement comes with 6 roses in either red, pink, or yellow. The bouquet also comes with greenery and filler flowers. If no specification on color is made, arrangement will be sent with red roses.

If you would like to add a personalized card message, please include it in the notes section.

NOTE: Actual arrangement may be slightly different than pictured. Each arrangement is unique.

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This arrangement comes with 6 roses in either red, pink, or yellow. The bouquet also comes with greenery and filler flowers. If no specification on color is made, arrangement will be sent with red roses.

If you would like to add a personalized card message, please include it in the notes section.

NOTE: Actual arrangement may be slightly different than pictured. Each arrangement is unique.

This arrangement comes with 6 roses in either red, pink, or yellow. The bouquet also comes with greenery and filler flowers. If no specification on color is made, arrangement will be sent with red roses.

If you would like to add a personalized card message, please include it in the notes section.

NOTE: Actual arrangement may be slightly different than pictured. Each arrangement is unique.